This attack can be used in any stance, has no cool down

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Heroic Strike: This is the first offensive skill you get, and you’ll be using it heavily throughout your early warrior adventure. At level 66 this does an extra 176 damage to Buy Runescap your target for 15 rage, but if you allocate talent points for it will only cost 12 rage.

Obviously, that’s not a lot of extra damage for level 66, so depending on your talent build you may find yourself using other attacks more often; however Heroic Strike still has its place in that it has no restrictions. This attack can be used in any stance, has no cool down, and requires nothing except the rage to power it.

Especially in your early game, you’ll find that often your choice is Heroic Strike or auto attack, and the extra damage always helps.

Sparingly use it when you are not tanking in a group as it will generate huge amount of threat. At rank 10, use Piercing Howl to dazzle the target first then follow on with Heroic Strike to get extra damage.

At level 46, this will stun the target for 1 second plus generate 15 rage, which if you took the right talents can be increased to 21 rage right off the bat.