."RS gold" American and European rare 2D turn-based type.


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France, and then gradually open up other languages ​​and international cartoon-style turn-based server MMORPG "RS" recently announced the special summer patch, summer patch will add ur Carney Island Asia (Vulkania), on the island over the jungle, where players can find yourself in the refreshing beaches and beautiful scenery, of course, also has a powerful monster. Patch is expected to be formally updated on July 20."RS gold" American and European rare 2D turn-based type, in the world is a great success of online games. Game screen is very cute, with some Japanese cartoon style similar. Developer Ankama's JulianBuecheler said, the game style does influence by the Japanese comic style. In-game career with "Warrior", "magician" and "assassin", players can choose their favorite roles adventure game!